
Lentils in Urdu: دال

Lentils in Roman Urdu: Daal

Lentils is basically an edible item or pulse. Its shape is like small seed, its is found in many varieties size, shape and color like yellow, black,white, green and brown. Lentils are eaten all over Asia, usually with rice and it takes about 10-40 min to cook depending on the type. if you compare them to other pulses relatively they are much more healthy and easy to cook, plus they are found in so many varieties if you want different flavor each time, and are available throughout the year.

Nutritional facts of lentils

  • Lentils are rich in fiber, which helps to reduce cholesterol levels in body with that they are effective in managing blood sugar levels in body.
  • They are an excellent source of minerals and different vitamins for your body.
  • The high content of fiber in it helps to get rid of constipation issues and other digestive disorders.
  • Lentils help you prevent with many heart diseases.
  • Lentils are a good source of iron in a body, ladies who go through loss of iron stages in mensuration and delivery process can increase their iron block through lentils, unlike red meat it has not fat content and extra calories.
Lentils are easily available in market through out the year. Before using them in cooking you can wash them nicely and can take out small stones from it.After that you just have to boil them to make it soft and cook how you like with your preferred spices.
Lentil salad is an excellent and tasty recipe which can be made through lentils. The steps for lentils salad recipe is, simply just cook lentils and combine them with your favorite vegetables along with some spice and herbs and here you go your lentil salad is ready!
You can make soup out of it, or simply eat them with rice.