Shahi Tukray

Oct 26, 2009
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Views: 10950


  • 1 Liter Full cream Milk
  • 6 slices Bread
  • 5 Tbsp Sugar
  • 4-6 green Cardamom
  • Oil for frying
  • 1 cup cream
  • almonds (soak in water for 1 hour and peel)
  • 1 Tbsp Pistachios


  1. In a pan melt the sugar with cardamom seeds until it turns light brown.
  2. Reduce heat completely and add all the milk.
  3. Keep stirring on low heat.
  4. Cook for about two hours on low heat stirring occasionally. Gradually add cream in between.
  5. When the milk mixture is light pink in color and reduced in quantity considerably, remove from heat and cool completely.
  6. Cut each bread piece into two.
  7. Heat oil and shallow fry to a golden color. Cool completely.
  8. Place bread pieces in a shallow dish. Pour milk over to cover completely.
  9. Decorate with chopped almonds and pistachios.
  10. Place in refrigerator for at least two hours before serving so the exotic flavor sets in.

Truly a royal dessert, as its name suggests, Shahi Tukra is a rich bread pudding with dry fruits, flavored with cardamom. It's simple to make and a great to eat.

Tags: Shahi Tukray
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