Beans and Sweet Potato

Oct 30, 2009
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  • 150g broad beans
  • 150g big peanuts
  • 150g taro
  • 150g sweet potatoes
  • table salt


  1. Soak broad beans for 3 days.
  2. Shell and halve. Mix 1 cup of water with 1/4 tsp soda powder.
  3. Soak broad beans in the solution for 10 minutes. Drain well. Scald and drain.
  4. Deep fry in warm oil until crispy. Soak peanuts in boiled water and remove membrane.
  5. Peel taro and sweet potatoes. Cut into small slices. Soak in salted water for 20 minutes.
  6. Then soak in water for 4 hours. Change water often.
  7. Drain well and dry.
  8. Heat wok and add oil. Put in peanuts before oil gets very hot. Deep fry over low heat until slightly brown. Dish up.
  9. Use oil absorbing paper to absorb excess oil. Sprinkle a little salt on peanuts. Put taro and sweet potato slices in oil.
  10. Deep fry over low or medium heat until crispy.

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