Bread Breath, Shining White Teeth, Skin Pigmentation & Body Contouring by Khurram Musheer

Jan 25, 2012
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  • Information About Black Pepper by Chef Gulzar

    Black Pepper is King of Spice, it keeps stomach fresh, it help you to digest food, beneficial for body diseases, clear chest from sputum, it is anti bacteria, control blood pressure, tumor, diarrhea, it burns fat, it protect skin, avoid skin cancer, teeth and muscular pain.
  • Information About Carrots by Chef Gulzar

    Carrots is beneficial for eyes, eye sight, sun burn, it can safe from lung, breast cancer, it protect skin, nails, hair, it glows your face by its juice, it cleans stomach, it reduces heart attack by eating 8 carrots daily and it makes body, teeth, jaws strong and clean.
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  • Information About Keri by Chef Gulzar

    Keri (Raw Mango) contains lots of vitamins and minerals for your health. It completes lack of water in body, it protects blood disease, it cleans kidney, it protects teeth from diseases and bacteria, it make teeth strong, its juice protects from throat, heat pimple and heat, it protects from heart disease & bacterial infection & acidity in stomach and it freshness morning weakness,
  • Dragons Breath Chili Recipe

    Dragons Breath Chili is spicy dish. It is prepared with beef mince, kidney beans, sauce and vegetables. Fried together and served. You must try this recipe.

About Bread Breath, Shining White Teeth, Skin Pigmentation & Body Contouring by Khurram Musheer In Zauq Zindagi on Ary Zauq.

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