Masala Noodles by Amina Mujeeb Khan

Mar 30, 2012
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Recipe of Masala Noodles by Amina Mujeeb Khan in Healthy Cooking on Health Tv

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  • It is not natural teenagers to be fat. If a teen is fat it means there is something wrong in his/her life style. Teenagers spend more energy than adults because their bodies grow (it is energy consuming process) and because they are curious and are prone to participate in many activities.If you follow a good diet for teens and if you perform sport activity it is sure you will be lean, good looking and healthy teen. Why not try one of these activities or all of them :) Basketball Dancing Strength training at home, you need only a set of barbells Walking in the park Badminton Treadmill walking/running, while you are watching your favorite TV program It is guaranteed that you will lose weight if you follow a good diet for teens in combination with 1 hour activity 5 times per week. Make weight loss your life style, not starvation. It could happen if you wish to live healthy and happy life full of many nice moments with your friends.Every day a teen must eat one of the following food types: Diary foods – skimmed milk and yogurt, feta cheese. Diary foods are rich in Calcium which is important supplement in diets for teens. Baked meat source of protein (forget about fried meat) – steak from chicken breasts, veal, salmon, tuna, trout; Salad – fresh salad from lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, green and red peppers, celery, carrots, cabbage. Salad could be a mix of these or salad from stand alone vegetable. Good (aka slow) carbohydrates – oat meal, whole grain bread, beans, lentils; Good fat (aka unsaturated fat) – olive oil (put a spoon in the salad and you will beg for more lol), avocado, raw nuts and pumpkin seeds, Nuts – 1-2 oz (25-50 grams) of raw nut are very good quick healthy snack during the main meals. Fruits – while you are loosing weight eat a fruit or no more than two fruits per day because they are rich in carbohydrates. Once you achieve you desired weight, than you can eat as many fruits per day as you want. A fruit can be your healthy breakfast – it will give you energy because of the carbs in it and will help not to constipate during the diet.

    By: samsui on Mar 31, 2012
  • i live in dubai i want diet plan pls give me on my id i am 14 yrs old my wait is 80 can u say that wat shuld i do to loose my wait pls help me

    By: alinafathima on Mar 30, 2012