Mango Rice Pudding

Nov 06, 2009
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  • 75g pudding rice
  • 8 cardamom pods (crushed)
  • 500ml milk
  • 3tbsp brown sugar
  • 40g pistachio nuts (chopped)
  • 425g mango pulp


  1. Boil the pudding rice in 500ml of water for 5 min’s, drain it and then return the rice to the pan and add the milk and cardamom pods.
  2. Let the rice simmer (uncovered) for around 30-35 minutes until creamy and thick, stirring occasionally.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat, take out the cardamom pods carefully, stir in the brown sugar, cover and let it cool.
  4. When ready to serve put rice in the bowls, spoon mango pulp on top of each bowl and sprinkle with the chopped pistachio nuts.

The delicious traditional dessert

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