Lauki Gosht, Kuta Gosht And Pista Elachi Kulfi by Sara Riaz

Apr 05, 2012
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Ingredients for Lauki Gosht:

  • Mutton 1 kg
  • Lauki 1/2 kg
  • Yogurt 1/2 cup
  • Onion 250 gram
  • Ginger 1 tsp
  • Garlic 1-1/2 tsp
  • Salt as required
  • Red chillies 2 tsp
  • Turmeric 1/2 tsp
  • Coriander powder 2 tsp
  • Garam masala 1 tsp
  • Coriander 1/2 cup
  • Nan 4


  1. Grind onion.
  2. Add onion, ginger, garlic  and mutton in hot oil and parch it nicely. When water of mutton becomes dry, then add salt, chillies, turmeric, coriander, water and cook mutton well.
  3. When mutton cook half, add yogurt in it and parch it.
  4. Remove skin from lauki, cut into pieces and add in mutton.
  5. For salan, add water and cook until the mutton and lauki cooked well.
  6. In end, add grinded garam masala and coriander and serve it with naan.

Ingredients for Kuta Ghost:

  • Beef undercut 1/2 kg
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Chopped red chillies 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice 2 tbsp
  • Ginger 1 tsp
  • Garlic 1 tsp
  • Papaya 1 tbsp
  • Onion 1
  • Tomato 1


  1. Cut undercut into thin pieces.
  2. Now marinate with all ingredients and leave it for half an hour.
  3. In one karahi pan, put oil. Then add marinated beef and cover it.
  4. When beef is cooked well, parch it
  5. Serve it with onion rings and sliced tomato.

Ingredients for Pista Elachi Kulfi:

  • Powder milk 1 tin
  • Condensed milk 1 tin
  • Cream 2 packet
  • Pistachio chopped 1/4
  • Slice bread 2
  • Kewra water 1 tbsp


  1. Put powder in refrigerator.
  2. Beat cream.
  3. Blend  pistachio, condensed milk, kewra water and slice bread nicely in blender.
  4. Add 1 pinch green color if you want.
  5. Now add cream in it. Blend powder milk, add it and fold it.
  6. Fill in kulfi molder and keep in refrigerator.
  7. Take out from molder, cut into pieces and serve it.

Recipe of Lauki Gosht, Kuta Gosht And Pista Elachi Kulfi by Sara Riaz in Khanay Mei Kya Hai on Ary Zauq

Comments (1)
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  • Error in Pista Kulfi recipe. It's 1 tin of evaporated milk not Powder milk. Delicious recipe must try

    By: Amna T on Apr 08, 2012