Tashkandi Pulao by Chef Mehboob

Nov 07, 2012
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Tashkandi pulao


  • Beef                     1 kg
  • Rice                      1 kg
  • Whole garam masala    2 tbsp
  • Onion                                        2
  • Ginger                               1 tbsp
  • Salt                                   to taste
  • Moong daal                        1 cup
  • Beet root                                   2
  • Turnip                                       2
  • Spinach                              1 cup 
  • Oil                                    1/2 cup
For baghar :
  • Oil                      as required 


  1. Heat oil in a pan and golden fry onion , garlic and ginger.
  2.  Add garam masala and salt in it.
  3. Add beef and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Put water and cook till the beef becomes tender.
  5. Then add the vegetables and daal.
  6. Cook for 5 minutes.
  7. Add in the rice and cook till the water dries.
  8. Steam for 10 minutes on low flame.
  9. Heat oil in a frying pan and golden fry sliced onions in it .
  10. Spread on the rice and serve with raita and salad.

Recipe of Tashkandi Pulao by Chef Mehboob in Zauq Zindagi on Ary Zauq

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