Layered Baked Potatoes, Steamed Ginger Pudding, Pouring Custard And Black Forest Coffee by Zarnak Sidhwa

Dec 29, 2012
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Ingredients for Steamed Ginger Pudding:

  • Butter  110 gm
  • Caster sugar  110 gm
  • Eggs, beaten  2
  • Flour  170 gm
  • Baking powder  1 tsp
  • Milk  a little
  • Ginger powder  2 tbsp


  1. Half fill a steamer pan with water and bring to the boil.
  2. Grease a 3/4 liter pudding basin with a little softened butter.
  3. Beat butter and caster sugar and add the beaten egs, slowly fold in half of the sieved flour.
  4. Combine the ginger with the ginger with the remaining flour and then carefully fold this in.
  5. Add enough milk to achieve a dropping consistency.
  6. Spoon the mixture into the prepared basin.
  7. Cut a piece of greased foil or greased proof paper and make a pleat in the center to allow for expansion.
  8. Use this to cover the pudding basin and secure tightly with a piece of string.
  9. Put the pudding into the steamer and cover with the lid.
  10. Now steam for two and a half hours checking the water occasionally encase it boils dry.
  11. Once cooked, carefully remove from the steamer and leave it to cool for 10 to 15 minutes.
  12. Then remove the foil or greaseproof lid and run a knife around the outside to loosen the pudding.
  13. Carefully turn upside down onto a warm serving dish.
  14. Serve the ginger pudding with pouring custard or cream.

Ingredients for Layered Baked Potatoes:

  • Potatoes  1/2 kg
  • Butter  2 tbsp
  • Garlic  3 cloves
  • Salt  1 tsp
  • Black pepper  1 tsp
  • Cheddar cheese  1 cup
  • Milk  1 1/4 cup
  • Cream  2/3 cup
  • Egg  1
  • Parsley  to garnish


  1. Peel and very thinly slice the potatoes, orange them in a greased pyrex dish, sprinkle crushed garlic, salt, pepper and cheese.
  2. Continue layering till all ingredients have been used, finish with a layer of potatoes and cheese.
  3. Whisk milk, cream and egg till smooth and top.
  4. Pour over potato layer and top with remaining butter, bake for 30 minutes or till done on 180 degree C till potatoes are tender, garnish with parsley and serve hot.

Ingredients for Pouring Custard:

  • Eggs  3
  • Caster sugar  1 oz
  • Corn flour  1 tsp
  • Milk   600 ml


  1. Whisk together eggs, caster sugar and corn flour.
  2. Heat milk to just boiling point and stir in the mixture.
  3. Return to pan and heat gently, stiring until thickened..
  4. Strain in a cold bowl to prevent further cooking.
  5. Serve warm or cold with steamed ginger pudding.

Ingredients for Black Forest Coffee:

  • Coffee  6 oz
  • Chocolate syrup  2 tbsp
  • Cherry juice  1 tbsp
  • Whipped cream  1 tbsp
  • Maraschino cherry  1
  • Chocolate  1/2 square


  1. Blend together coffee, chocolate syrup, cherry juice.
  2. Add a dollop of whipped cream on top and sprinkle some chocolate gratings on top.
  3. Place a cherry on it and serve.

Recipe of Layered Baked Potatoes, Steamed Ginger Pudding, Pouring Custard And Black Forest Coffee by Zarnak Sidhwa in Food Diaries on Masala TV

Tags: Food Diaries
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