Stuffed Red Chilies Pickle And Biryani With Chutney Chicken by Zubaida Tariq

Feb 14, 2013
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Ingredients for Stuffed Red Chilies Pickle:

  • Degi red chilies  10-12
  • White vinegar  few drops
  • Coriander seeds  2 tbsp
  • White cumin  2 tbsp
  • Mustard seeds  4 tbsp
  • Raw mango powder  3 tbsp
  • Salt  to taste
  • Onion seeds  1 tsp
  • Fenugreek seeds  as required
  • Mustard oil  as required


  1. First give cuts on big red chilies.
  2. Then pour water in a pan, add red chilies wash it well. Together put white vinegar for boiling.
  3. Now add whole coriander, white cumin, roast it well.
  4. Then fill the chilies with chopped mustard seeds, raw mango powder.
  5. After that pour oil in a pan, add mustard seeds.
  6. When fragrance comes, turn off the stove.
  7. When the oil starts to cool, then fry the chilies and cover on its top.
  8. Now take out the chilies carefully, in a big pan.
  9. Now place it in a sunlight for 2 days before using it.

Ingredients for Biryani With Chutney Chicken:

  • Rice 2 to 2-1/2 cups
  • Chicken  1
  • Yogurt  1 cup
  • Whole red chilies  8
  • Whole green chilies  8
  • Ginger garlic paste  1 tbsp
  • Salt  to taste
  • Crushed black pepper  1 tsp
  • Lemons  4
  • Chopped onion  4
  • Fresh milk  1 cup
  • Yellow food color  as required
  • Oil  1 cup
  • Butter  1 tbsp

To Boil Rice:

  • Mint leaves  1/2 bunch
  • Green chilies  4
  • Black peppercorn  4
  • Salt  to taste
  • Small cardamom  4


  1. First wash the rice.
  2. Now pour oil in a pan, add chopped onions make it golden brown, spread it.
  3. Pour oil in a pan, add chicken pieces, ginger garlic paste, yogurt, salt.
  4. Now add whole red chili, whole green chilies, grind it well.
  5. When the chicken water dries, then put the remaining onions, chutney, green chilies, red chilies, roast it well.
  6. After that put the lemon juice, chopped black pepper.
  7. Boil the rice individually, add salt, chopped mint, green chilies, whole black pepper, small cardamom boil it till remains to 2/4th.
  8. When it is boiled then change its water, grease the pan, make 1 layer of rice, then spread the chicken.
  9. Now make the another layer of rice, milk, yellow food color.
  10. Now make the layer of rice, pour milk, pinch of yellow food, After that put the mint, lemon juice for simmering.
  11. When the steam comes up then tasty biryani is ready.
  12. In the end take it out in a dish, put some fired onions on its top.

Recipe of Stuffed Red Chilies Pickle And Biryani With Chutney Chicken by Zubaida Tariq in Handi on Masala TV

Tags: Chutney
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