Cocktail Fried Shashlik, Peach Breeze, Pita Pizza And Short Cake Swirls by Shireen Anwer

Apr 01, 2013
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Ingredients For Short Cake swirls:

  • Butter  8 ounces
  • Icing sugar  3 ounces
  • Flour  8 ounces
  • Icing sugar extra  to sprinkle 
  • A little jam  for topping


  1. First grease the muffin tray.
  2. Beat the butter and icing sugar, until it becomes soft and creamy.
  3. Now mix it in a flour.
  4. Then fill it into icing bag, bake it for 20 minutes on 180 degree C.
  5. Now sprinkle the icing sugar on its top, put some jam then serve.

Ingredients For Cocktail Fried Shashlik:

  • Boneless chicken  1/2 kg
  • Ginger garlic  1 tsp
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Black pepper  1/2 tsp
  • Chili powder  1 tsp
  • Ketchup  2 tbsp
  • Wooster sauce 1 tbsp
  • Chili garlic sauce 1 tbsp
  • Vinegar  2 tbsp
  • Capsicum  1
  • Onion 2
  • Egg  1
  • Bread crumbs  as required


  1. First marinate the chicken with ginger garlic, salt, black pepper, chopped red chili, ketchup wooster sauce, chili garlic sauce.
  2. Now put the onion, chicken, capsicum in skewer, then repeat it and dip them in beaten egg.
  3. In the end roll it in bread crumbs and deep fry it.

Ingredients For Pita Pizza:

  • Pita bread  4
  • Onion  1
  • Tomato  1
  • Chicken tikka chunks  1/2 cup
  • Capsicum  1
  • Grated cheddar 1/2 cup
  • Ketchup  2 tbsp
  • Chili garlic sauce  2 tbsp
  • Oregano  1 tsp


  1. First put the pita bread on a baking tray, add ketchup, chili garlic sauce then spread it.
  2. Along chicken tikka chunks, onion slices, tomato cubes, tomato cubes, capsicum cubes.
  3. Now add oregano, grated cheese, mozzarella cheese bake it on 200 degree C for 10 minutes until the cheese melts.
  4. Then cut it into veges then serve it hot.

Ingredients For Peach Breeze:

  • Orange juice  1 cup
  • Peaches fresh  2
  • Crushed ice  1 cup
  • Caster sugar  1 tbsp
  • Limo pani  1 sachet
  • White drink  1 cup


  1. First put orange juice, then fresh peaches, chopped ice, caster sugar, limo pani, white drink chill it then serve it. 

Recipe of Cocktail Fried Shashlik, Peach Breeze, Pita Pizza And Short Cake Swirls by Shireen Anwer in Masala Mornings on Masala TV

Tags: Cake
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