Cheese Filled Chapati, Chicken Stick And Turtle Sauce by Chef Gulzar

Apr 11, 2013
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Ingredients For Chicken Stick:

  • Chicken boneless  1/2 kg
  • Ginger garlic paste  1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice  1 tbsp
  • Onion chopped  1/2 cup
  • Green onion  1/2 cup
  • Red chili powder  1 tbsp
  • Bread crumbs  5 to 6 tbsp
  • Curry powder  1 tbsp
  • Egg  1
  • Oil  for fry
  • Salt  to taste
  • Ice cream stick  as required


  1. First make small chicken pieces.
  2. Now put the chicken piece in chopped add curry powder, ginger garlic paste, chopped red chilies, lemon juice, bread crumbs, eggs, chopped green onion, chopped onions, salt chop it well.
  3. When all the ingredients are chopped and mixed well then take them out in a bowl.
  4. Then put oil on hands, put the mixture on stick, deep fry them well.
  5. Put tissue paper on a plate, put all lollypops on it so that its oil absorbs.
  6. In the end take it out in a serving platter serve it with sauce.

Ingredients For Cheese Filled Chapati:

For Chicken:

  • Chicken mince  250 gm
  • Onion  1
  • Red chili powder  1 tsp
  • Garlic paste  1 tbsp
  • Black pepper  1/2 tsp
  • Oregano  1/2 tsp
  • BBQ masala 2 tbsp
  • Oil  2 to 3 tbsp
  • Salt  to taste

For Chapati:

  • White flour  300 gm
  • Clarified butter as required
  • Water  as required
  • Salt to taste

For Topping:

  • Chopped tomato 1
  • Chopped capsicum  1
  • Mozzarella cheese  300 gm
  • Ketchup  2 to 3 tbsp


  1. For making chicken, pour oil add onions, garlic paste, for frying.
  2. Now add chicken mince, for roasting.
  3. Then add BBQ masala, chopped black pepper, oregano, chopped red chili, salt then roast it well.
  4. When the mince becomes dry then remove it from stove.
  5. For making chapati, put flour, salt, ghee, water in a mixing bowl, knead the dough.
  6. Now make the chapati of it, keep them on a side.
  7. For filling add chopped tomatoes, capsicum, ketchup mix it well.
  8. Now put the mixture on chapati.
  9. Then put the mozzarella cheese on its top.
  10. After that heat the pan, fry the chapati well.
  11. When the cheese melts then chapati sticks to it serve it hot.
  12. Cheese bhari chapati is ready.

Ingredients For Turtle Sauce:

  • Mayonnaise  1 cup
  • Mustard paste  2 tbsp
  • Chopped carrot  1 tbsp
  • Chopped capsicum  1 tbsp
  • Black pepper  1/2 tsp
  • Salt to taste


  1. Put mayonnaise, mustard paste, chopped carrot, chopped capsicum, chopped black pepper, salt mix it well.
  2. Turtle sauce is ready.

Recipe of Cheese Filled Chapati, Chicken Stick And Turtle Sauce by Chef Gulzar in Live@nine on Masala TV

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