Fried Rice, Chicken Shashlake And Chikoo Shake by Chef Gulzar

May 19, 2013
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Ingredients For Chicken Shashlake:

  • Boneless chicken  1/2 kg
  • Egg white 2
  • Diced white 2
  • Diced tomato 2
  • Diced onion  2
  • Garlic paste 2 tbsp
  • Black pepper  1/2 tsp
  • Oyster sauce  4 tbsp
  • Chili garlic sauce  1/2 cup
  • Corn flour  1 tbsp
  • White flour  1 tbsp
  • Oil  for fry
  • Salt  to taste
  • BBQ sticks  as required


  1. First cut chicken into cubes.
  2. Then put oyster sauce, garlic paste, chili garlic sauce, salt, chopped black pepper, capsicum, chopped onions, chopped tomatoes, chicken, mix it well.
  3. Add egg white, corn flour, flour mix it for half an hour.
  4. Then add BBQ steak, add capsicum, chicken pieces, tomatoes, onions, ready all the steak same.
  5. Pour oil in a pan, add shashlake stick for frying or bake it.

Ingredients For Fried Rice:

  • Boiled rice  300 gm
  • Chopped garlic 4 to 5 cloves
  • Eggs  3 to 4
  • Capsicum chopped  1
  • Carrot chopped  1
  • Black pepper 1/2 tsp
  • Chicken cubes  2
  • Soya sauce  2 tbsp
  • Chinese salt  1 pinch
  • Oil  2 to 3 tbsp
  • Salt to taste


  1. First pour oil in a pan, add eggs, salt, mix it and half fry it, keep it on a side.
  2. Now pour oil in a pan, add chopped garlic, fry it well.
  3. Then add carrots, capsicum, chicken, soya sauce, chopped black pepper, salt, mix it well.
  4. Then add boiled sella rice, cover and let it be on simmer.
  5. When they are simmered then add eggs mix it and serve it.

Ingredients For Chikoo Shake:

  • Sapodilla 2 to 3
  • Milk  250 ml
  • Cinnamon powder   1 pinch
  • Ice cubes  as required
  • Sugar  as required
  • Instant coffee for garnishing


  1. Put all the ingredients In blender grind them well.
  2. Now pour it into glass, put instant coffee for garnish then serve.

Recipe of Fried Rice, Chicken Shashlake And Chikoo Shake by Chef Gulzar in Live@nine on Masala TV

Tags: Chikoo
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