Vanilla Milk Shake Crunch AnVanilla Milkshake Crunch And Chicken Zeera Malai by Rida Aftabd Chicken Zeera Malai By Rida Aftab In Meals

Jul 12, 2013
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Ingredients For Vanilla Milk Shake Crunch:

  • Milk 1 glass
  • Whipped cream 1 cup
  • Ice cubes  1 cup
  • Vanilla ice cream  2 scoops
  • Vanilla essence  1/2 tsp
  • Almonds  2 tbsp
  • Sugar 4 tbsp


  1. First put the sugar make it golden brown and add almonds.
  2. Then spread it on greased tray make it cool and crush it.
  3. After that add milk glass, vanilla essence, ice, vanilla ice cream blend it well.
  4. Add beaten cream, pour ready fresh milk.

Ingredients For Chicken Zeera Malai:

  • Chili powder  2 tbsp
  • Milk  2 tbsp
  • Lemon juice 1 tbsp
  • Black pepper 1 1/2 tsp
  • Butter  4 tbsp
  • Garlic  4 cloves
  • Cumin seeds  1 tbsp
  • Cream  1/2 cup
  • Coriander leaves  1 tbsp
  • Salt to taste


  1. First add chicken pieces, lemon juice leave it for 30 minutes.
  2. Now take a bowl add flour, salt, and black pepper mix it well.
  3. After that add butter heat it, put marinated chicken for frying.
  4. Now take it out and put it on paper so that the oil absorbs.
  5. Now put the onion slices, cumin, ginger, garlic and salt roast it for 3 minutes.
  6. After that add yogurt, cream cook it well.
  7. Now add fried chicken and milk cook it on low temperature until the chicken tenders.
  8. Then sprinkle garam masala, chopped red chilies, green coriander then simmer.

Recipe of Vanilla Milkshake Crunch And Chicken Zeera Malai by Rida Aftab in Olpers Meals With Chef Rida on Masala TV

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