Doodh Pak And Khajoor Aur Badam Ki Slice by Noreen Amir

Aug 01, 2013
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Ingredients For Doodh Pak:

  • Almonds  1/2 cup
  • Cardamom  1 tsp
  • Milk  2 kg
  • Saffron  1/4 tsp
  • Sugar  200 gm
  • Pistachio, silver paper  for garnish
  • Condensed milk  1/4 cup


  1. First soak almonds in water, remove its skin and make its paste.
  2. After that pour milk and let it cook.
  3. Along saffron, cardamom and condensed milk.
  4. When the milk becomes thick then add sugar.
  5. When it becomes thick then take it out in a tray, when it becomes cool then serve it after cutting it.

Ingredients For Khajoor Aur Badam Ki Slice:

  • Chopped dates 1 cup
  • Almond  1/2 cup
  • Ghee  1 tbsp
  • Chopped coconut  2-3 tbsp
  • Barfi  1/2 kg
  • Chopped almonds  for garnish


  1. Pour ghee in a pan add almonds, let it roast on a pan then take it out.
  2. Now melt the date in a pan add roasted almonds mix it well.
  3. Then set the barfi.
  4. Now set the warm mixture on barfi and garnish with almonds.

Recipe of Doodh Pak And Khajoor Aur Badam Ki Slice by Noreen Amir in Riwaiti Mithaiyan 2 on Masala TV

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