Gulab Jaman And Chicken Peppery Pizza by Chef Zakir

Aug 14, 2013
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Ingredients For Chicken Peppery Pizza:

  • Chicken breast 2
  • Capsicum 1
  • Onion  1
  • Lemon  1
  • Green chilies  3
  • Mozzarella cheese  1 packet
  • Parsley  1/4 bunch

For Topping:

  • Garlic  3 cloves
  • Tomato paste 1/2 cup
  • Crushed red pepper 1 tbsp
  • Basil 1/2 tsp
  • Oregano 1/2 tsp
  • Oil  3 tbsp

For Dough:

  • Flour 250 gm
  • Egg  2
  • Milk  1/2 cup
  • Yeast  1 tbsp
  • Butter  3 tbsp
  • Salt  to taste


  1. First pour milk add yeast.
  2. Now take a bowl of milk add flour.
  3. Along beaten egg, salt and butter with water knead it well.
  4. Then cover it with plastic cover and keep it on a side.
  5. Now pour oil add garlic and chicken breast saute it.
  6. When the chicken is cooked well then change its color and keep it on a side.
  7. Then add tomato paste, basil, salt, oregano, chopped red chilies and parsley cook it for 2 minutes.
  8. Now roll out the ready dough and grease it, place it in pizza mold.
  9. When the dough is spread in moil then polish its sides with beaten egg add butter.
  10. Then spread the tomato sauce and chicken sauce.
  11. Put chopped onion, capsicum spread it.
  12. Then add grated mozzarella cheese bake it on 190 degree C for 12 to 15 minutes.
  13. When the pizza turns to golden then grease its sides with oil and sprinkle lemon juice then serve.

Ingredients For Gulab Jaman:

  • Egg  half
  • Lassa Khoya  250 gm
  • Sugar  2 cup
  • Water  as required
  • Kewra  as required
  • Ghee  as required
  • Flour  1 tbsp
  • Semolina  1 tbsp
  • Baking powder 1/4 tsp
  • Oil  for frying


  1. Beat the half egg.
  2. Now take a bowl add khoya, semolina and egg mix it with hand.
  3. Then add baking powder and ghee on wooden board, knead it like a flour and make its small balls. After that fry it in hot oil.
  4. Now pour water add sugar make its syrup and add fried semolina in syrup.
  5. Serve the gulab jaman hot.

Recipe of Gulab Jaman And Chicken Peppery Pizza by Chef Zakir in Dawat on Masala TV

Tags: Dawat
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