Crispy Burger, Talay Howa Gurday And White Sauce Chicken Salad by Zubaida Tariq

Sep 13, 2013
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Ingredients For White Sauce Chicken Salad:

  • Chicken boneless  8
  • Pineapple cubes 1 small tin
  • Sweet corn  1 tin
  • Flour  2- 1/3 liter
  • Fresh milk 1/2 liter
  • Butter  1 tbsp
  • Sugar  1 tsp
  • Salt  to taste
  • Capsicum cubes 2
  • Boiled almonds  8

To boil chicken cubes:

  • Water  2 cups
  • Garlic  3 cloves
  • Black pepper  4


  1. First make small chicken pieces, pour water, garlic cloves and black pepper boil it well.
  2. Add butter in a pan, add flour roast and turn off the stove.
  3. Pour fresh milk, cook it for 5 to 10 minutes stir it well make it thick add salt and black pepper.
  4. Now mix the ready white sauce, sweet corn, pineapple tin, apple cubes and boiled almonds.
  5. Then add capsicum cubes, sugar and salt boil it well and serve it cool.

Ingredients For Crispy Burger:

  • Chicken fillet 4
  • Burger 4
  • Eggs 2-3
  • Flour  1 cup
  • Mayonnaise  1/2 cup
  • Fresh hot milk 1/2 cup
  • Corn flour  1/2 cup
  • Sugar 1 tsp
  • Baking powder 1 tsp
  • White pepper 1 tsp
  • Mustard paste 1 tsp
  • Soya sauce 1 tbsp
  • White vinegar  1 tbsp
  • Chicken cube flour  2 tbsp
  • Butter 2 tbsp
  • Hot sauce 2 tbsp
  • Oil  to fry
  • Salt to taste


  1. Take a tray add flour, corn flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, mustard paste, chicken cubes and white pepper.
  2. When all these masala becomes dry then add chicken fillet add soya sauce and white vinegar mix it well.
  3. Then add paste the dry masala on every fillet.
  4. Repeat it for 3 to 4 times.
  5. Pour oil in a pan heat it well.
  6. Then put the ready fillet into hot oil make them golden brown.
  7. Now heat the pan, make it oilly and fry the bun slightly.
  8. After that add mayonnaise and butter put chicken fillet and hot sauce.
  9. Serve the burger with french fries.

Ingredients For Talay Howa Gurday:

  • Kidneys  15-20
  • Black pepper  1 tsp
  • Red chili flakes 1 tsp
  • Cumin seeds  1 tsp
  • Salt  to taste
  • Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
  • Green chilies  3
  • Green coriander 1/2 bunch
  • Lemon juice 1/2 bunch
  • Lemons  2
  • Oil 1/2 cup

To wash kidneys:

  • Garlic  1


  1. Put kidney pieces add whole garlic, keep it in filter for 15 minutes.
  2. Then pour warm water wash it and keep it in filter.
  3. Put kidney and ginger garlic paste in a pan then dry the water.
  4. When the water is dried then pour oil.
  5. Along red chilies and roasted and chopped white cumin roast it lightly.
  6. When you have to serve then heat it again.
  7. Then add chopped black pepper, chopped green chilies, chopped green coriander, lemon juice and salt serve it hot.

Recipe of Crispy Burger, Talay Howa Gurday And White Sauce Chicken Salad by Zubaida Tariq in Handi on Masala TV

Tags: Gurday
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