Death By Chocolate Cake, Roasted Vegetable Rice Platter And Spicy Bread Bun by Sara Riaz

Nov 20, 2013
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Death By Chocolate Cake


  • Flour 1.5 cups.
  • Baking powder 1 tea spoon.
  • Sugar 1 cup.
  • Beaten eggs 2.
  • Oil 1 cup.
  • Sweet soda 1 tea spoon.
  • Coco powder 2.5 spoon.
  • fresh milk 1 cup.
  • Treacle 2 spoon.
  • For icing and filling:
  • Mix fruit jam 4 spoon.
  • Plain chocolate 1 cup.
  • Fresh cream  1.5 cups.
  • Vanilla extract 4-5 drops.


  1. Preheat oven at 108F.
  2. Take two baking pans
  3. Add sugar,treacle,eggs and milk in flour and mix properly or beater it until creamy.
  4. Mix oil in beaten mixture  
  5. Put this mixture into baking pans and bake in oven for 25-30 minutesor bake it until golden brown.
  6. Remove from heat leave them cool.
  7. Take out from baking pans,Heat jam at low flame and beatan it
  8. Now add jam on the top surface of first cake and add jamm ont he bottom surface of second cake
  9. Take bowl pour water into it and put pan over it,add chocolate,fresh cream  and melt them
  10. Mix vanilla Extract and sugar,heat it until viscous then cool them
  11. Add this mixture on cake (over Jam's topping)
  12. Now make sandwich of both cakes(make sure that top topping should be upper part of cake )
  13. Now add chocolate mixture on cake
  14. Your death by cake is ready

Roasted Vegetable Rice Platter


  • 1 1/2 cups carrots.
  • 1 sweet potato (cut into cube shape).
  • 1 Onion Cut into thick wages (1/4 inches).
  • Celery 1/2 cup (slices).
  • 2 tbsp sage (fresh).
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp.
  • salt tsp.
  • Black pepper1/2 tsp(ground).
  • Italian parsley 3 tbsp.
  • Rice 1 cup.


  1. Pour water in pot then add rice and set a side for few minutes.
  2. Mix carrots ,sweet potato,onion,celery,sage,salt,olive oil and black pepper.
  3. Bake in oven for 35  minutes or until vegetable soften,stir vegetable mixture two times.
  4. Remove from heat transfer to platter,Cover platter to keep vegetables warm.
  5. Add rice in pan with parsley mix it properly.
  6. Cook rice in oven or stove for five minutes.
  7. Serve rice mixture in platter with vegetable.

Spicy Bread Bun


  • Sauce(brown) 1/2 tbsp.
  • sugar(brown) 3/4 cups.
  • molasses 1 tbsp.
  • honey 1/4 cup.
  • 2 tbsp butter.
  • Flour 3 cups.
  • Baking powder 3 tsp.
  • Cinnamon 3 tsp.
  • Ginger (ground) 1 tsp.


  1. Mix brown sugar,molasses,Honey and butter mix it until sugar dissolve properly.
  2. Leave them cool.
  3. Mix all the dry ingredients now add brown sugar mixture in it and mix properly.
  4. pour into bread baking pan.
  5. Bake in over for 30-40 minutes at 350 degree F or until crispy brown.


Recipe of Death By Chocolate Cake, Roasted Vegetable Rice Platter And Spicy Bread Bun by Sara Riaz in Zauq Zindagi on Ary Zauq

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