Baked Fish Aluminum Foil, Steam Bun And Brown Rice With Vegetable by Chef Gulzar

Nov 22, 2013
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Ingredients For Steam Bun:

For Dough:

  • White flour 1/2 kg
  • Baking powder 1 tsp
  • Vinegar 3 to 4 tbsp
  • Salt to taste

For Filling:

  • Chicken mince 1/2 kg
  • Onion 3 to 4
  • Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
  • Black pepper 1/2 tsp
  • Oyster sauce 2 tbsp
  • Soya sauce 2 tbsp
  • Sesame seed 2 to 3 tbsp
  • Oil 2 to 3 tbsp
  • Corn flour 4 to 5 tbsp
  • Salt to taste


  1. For making dough: Add flour, baking powder, salt and vinegar mix it well knead it with warm water.
  2. Now put the dough into plastic leave it for 1 to 2 hours.
  3. For making filling: Take a pan pour oil add onions for frying.
  4. Then add ginger garlic paste, fry it for 2 to 3 minutes.
  5. Now add chicken mince roast it lightly.
  6. Then add chopped black pepper and oyster sauce, soya sauce, sesame seed and salt roast it.
  7. Now add corn flour pour water add mixture make it thick.
  8. Then turn off the stove make it cool.
  9. Now put the dough into plastic rap, cut it into round pieces, fill it with ready filling make it like bun.
  10. After that fill the steamer with water, bake it upto 20 to 25 minutes, take it out and serve it hot.

Ingredients For Baked Fish Aluminum Foil:

  • Fish fillet 300 gm
  • Capsicum 1
  • Stripped carrot 1 to 2
  • Green beans 1/2 cup
  • Green peas 1/2 cup
  • Garlic paste 1 tbsp
  • Crushed red chili 1 tbsp
  • Soya sauce 1 tbsp
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice  4-5 tbsp
  • Aluminum foil as required
  • Salt to taste


  1. Take a mixing bowl add capsicum, carrot, green beans, peas, garlic paste, chopped red chilies, soya sauce and salt mix it well.
  2. Now add fish fillet in masala marinate it for half an hour.
  3. Then keep the marinated fish and vegetables on aluminum foil, place it on preheated oven on 200 degree C for 25 to 30 minutes.
  4. Now add fish fillet pour olive oil for brushing.
  5. Take it out in a serving dish.
  6. Baked fish in aluminum foil is ready.

Ingredients For Brown Rice With Vegetable:

  • Brown rice 250 gm
  • Chopped capsicum 1
  • Carrot 1 to 2
  • Boiled green peas 1/2 cup
  • Green beans  1/2 cup
  • Green onion 2-3 sticks
  • Garlic chopped  1 tsp
  • Black pepper  1 tsp
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp
  • Soya sauce 2 tbsp
  • Salt to taste


  1. Take a rice wash it first and leave it for 2 hours.
  2. Now take a pan add rice and salt boil it hard and keep it on a side.
  3. Then add oil, garlic for frying and boiled peas, chopped capsicum, carrot, green beans, soya sauce, chopped black pepper for frying.
  4. Now add rice and green onion mix it and take it out in dish after simmering then serve.

Recipe of Baked Fish Aluminum Foil, Steam Bun And Brown Rice With Vegetable by Chef Gulzar in Live@nine on Masala TV

Tags: Bun
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