Bihari Chicken, Bajray Ki Tikiya, Orange Souffle And Garlic Naan by Sara Riaz

Dec 16, 2013
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Orange Souffle


  1. Oranges peal of slices 6
  2. Caster suger 1/2 cup 
  3. Cream 2packet 
  4. Orange jelly 2packet 
  5. Egg 3 
  6. Gelatin 1tbsp 
  7. Milk 1/2 litr 
  8. Flour 1tbsp 
  9. Orange colour pinch of
  10. Orange essence 1tsp 


  • Make jelly in two separate bowl 2packet jelly 2 cup of water.
  • Next in a pan add milk caster sugar 3egg youg &tbsp of flour cooked till milked boiled .
  • In the end add orange colour & essence & gelatin then make a custured.
  • In next bowl add egg white then fuffy beat.
  • Put a milk mix in a jelly bowl then add cream & then egg white & fold with spon  & add cutted oranges .
  • Then cool it on fridge after cool sprinkle oranges & garnished with cream 
  • And serve it with cool 

Bajray ki Tikya 


  1. Bajray ka flour 2cup 
  2. Caster suger 1/2 cup 
  3. sesame seeds 2tbsp 
  4. Oil for fry 


  • Make a doh with bajra flour,  caster sugar , with sesame seeds with warm water.
  • Then make a roti in small round shape & fry in hot oil.
  • Serve it hot 
  • Bihari Chicken


  1. chicken boneless 1kg 
  2. Yogurt 1/2 cup 
  3. Garam masala 1tbsp 
  4. Ginger garlic paste 1tbsp 
  5. Red chilli powder 1tbsp 
  6. Roasted chanay 3 tbsp ( powder) 
  7. Papaya 2 tbsp paste 
  8. Salt 
  9. Tomato 2 
  10. Onion fried half cup 
  11. Oil 1 cup 


  •  In chicken add all spices & marinate whole night.
  • Then fix on seek then put seek over baking tray & baked in 180 gas 4 for 20 min.

Garlic Naan 


  1. Flour 2cup 
  2. Khameer 1tbsp 
  3. Caster sugar 1tsp 
  4. Garlic choped 2 tbsp 
  5. Makhan 2tbsp 
  6. Salt as required 
  7. Powder milk 1 cup 


  • Make a dho with all Ingredients with warm water.. 
  • Make a roti on baking tray & spread remaing garlic over it .
  • Then baked 180 gass 4 in 15-20 min
  • Then serve it hot its so yummy 

Delicious Bihari Chicken served with Garlic Naan, Bajray Ki Tikiya and Homemade Orange Souffle made with Orange Jelly & Cream by Sara Riaz in Zauq Zindagi on Ary Zauq

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