Banana Delight by Zarnak Sidhwa

Feb 26, 2014
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  • Fresh cream 5 packets
  • Bananas 12
  • Brown sugar 3 half rolls
  • Banana jelly 2 packets
  • Water 2 cups
  • Lemon 1


  1. Boil water, dissolve jelly and set three forth in a casserole.
  2. Set remaining jelly on a plate for garnishing.
  3. Cut the biscuits into pieces and keep aside.
  4. Reserve the crumbs of 3-4 biscuits for garnishing.
  5. Whip the cream and fold in biscuits gently.
  6. Cut the bananas and squeeze little lemon on the top.
  7. Add layer of banana pieces on the top of set jelly.
  8. Pout the cream mixture over the bananas.
  9. Garnish with remaining jelly and biscuits crumbs.
  10. Refrigerate and serve chill.

Recipe of Banana Delight by Zarnak Sidhwa in Food Diaries on Masala TV

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