Chewra, Chicken Daal And Semolina Lemon Syrup Cake by Sara Riaz

Feb 27, 2014
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Semolina lemon syrup cake


White Butter 125 g 
Semolina 150 g
Caster suger 150 g
Lemon essence few drops
Lemon rind (crush) 2tbsp 
Almond (Crush) 150 g
Milk 2 tbsp
Baking powder 1 & half teaspoon
Egg 3
For Lemon Syrup
Lemon juice quarter cup 
Water quarter cup 
Lemon essence few drop 
Caster suger 100 g 


Add Butter, lemon essence, lemon rind & beat  add eggs one by one add as well semolina, baking powder & crushed Almond add milk and fold it very slowly..
Pre heated oven at 180 degree bake for 40 to 45 min almost in greased cake tin..
Lets cool at least 15 min.
For syrup 
In a pan add lemon juice, water caster super and lemon essence & cooked.. 
Put up the syrup of ur cake you can use brush..

Recipe of Chewra, Chicken Daal And Semolina Lemon Syrup Cake by Sara Riaz in Zauq Zindagi on Ary Zauq

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  • Ameen Alla humma Ameen..may Allah gives her cumplete health Ameen... jazak Allah...

    By: mahwish86 on Apr 13, 2014
  • Ameen Summa Ameen to all our dua's for SARA RIAZ 's health. Pls keep us inform if someone has any information about her May Allah bless her always.

    By: nasacool on Apr 08, 2014
  • May Allah grant her complete health.We have learned so much from her. We should all remember her in our prayers and ask Allah for her speedy recovery. Thank you Seemi for keeping us informed.May Allah bless you.

    By: shahnaz farhat on Apr 08, 2014
  • ARY is not recording new shows so we dont know whats happening there, does anyone have any idea why ARY is not recording new shows,

    By: spice girl on Apr 08, 2014
  • Allah Sara aapa ko sehat aata farmae, Aameen

    By: blackforest on Apr 08, 2014
  • Allah unhein sehat ata farmaey.Ameen

    By: lovely_friendly on Apr 08, 2014
  • plz pray for sara riazs health. I briefly saw shireen anwars 1000 episode celebration, towards the end. she informed that sara is very seriously ill. Plz pray for her health soon, ameen.

    By: seemva on Apr 07, 2014