Coffee Meringues by Zarnak Sidhwa

Mar 22, 2014
Views: 2112
- Egg whites 2
- Cream of tartar 1/2 tsp
- Caster sugar 1/3 cup
- Icing sugar 1/3 cup
- Coffee granules 1 tbsp
- Warm water 1 tbsp
- Chopped chocolate 4 oz
- Preheat oven at 110 degrees C.
- Beat egg whites and cream of tartar in medium bowl on medium until soft peaks form.
- Add caster sugar, 1 tbsp at a time, until stiff peaks form and sugar is dissolved.
- Fold in icing sugar.
- Stir coffee into warm water in small bowl until dissolved.
- Fold in meringue.
- Spoon meringue into pipping bag.
- Pipe small pointed mounds (about 1/2 inch/1.2 cm high and 1 inch/2.5 cm in diameter) about 2 inches (5 cm) apart onto greased cookie sheets.
- Bake on lower rack in 225 degrees F/110 degrees C oven for 35-40 minutes until dry.
- Turn oven off.
- Let meringues stand in oven until cook.
- Heat chocolate on double boiled, stirring often, until almost melted.
- Dip 1/2 of each meringue into chocolate, allowing excess of drip back into saucepan.
- Place on foil or waxed paper-lined cookie sheets.
- Let stand in cool place until chocolate is set.
- Do not chill.
Recipe of Coffee Meringues by Zarnak Sidhwa in Food Diaries on Masala TV