Chicken Lasagna by Chef Gulzar

Apr 14, 2014
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  • Lasagna stripes 1 packet
  • Oil 2 to 3 tbsp

For Chicken Sauce:

  • Boneless chicken 300 gm
  • Garlic 6 to 7 cloves
  • Tomato 4 to 5
  • Red chili powder 1 tsp
  • Crushed black pepper 1 tsp
  • Tomato puree 1 cup
  • Oregano 1 tsp
  • Oil 3 to 4 tbsp
  • Salt to taste

For White Sauce:

  • White flour 2 to 3 tbsp
  • Chicken stock 500 gm
  • Milk 500 gm
  • Butter 1 cup

For Topping:

  • Mozzarella cheese 200 gm
  • Grated cheese 200 gm
  • Green coriander for garnish


  1. For white sauce: In a pan, put butter, add white flour and roast it.
  2. Then chicken stock and roast for 2 to 3 minutes.
  3. Then add milk to mix and stir continuously.
  4. When thick, remove it. White sauce is ready.
  5. For chicken sauce: Put oil in a pan and fry 6 to 7 garlic cloves.
  6. Now add chicken and roast it. Then add tomatoes, red chili powder, black pepper, oregano, salt and tomato puree and roast it. When sauce is ready, remove it.
  7. For lasagna stripes: Boil water in pot.
  8. Now add 1 tbsp oil and add 2-3 lasagna strips and boil for 10 minutes. Then take it out, keep it in cold water.
  9. When temperature becomes normal, strain it, put oil and boil all stripes like this.
  10. For topping: Put some white sauce in  baking dish.
  11. Now keep lasagna strips.
  12. Then put chicken sauce, again put white sauce, put 100 gm cheddar and mozzarella cheese, put lasagna stripes and do these steps again.
  13. In end, decorate with green coriander and bake in preheated on 200 degrees C for 10 to 15 minutes, dish it out, garnish with green coriander and serve.

Recipe of Chicken Lasagna by Chef Gulzar in Live@nine on Masala TV

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