Keema Kachori And Moti Choor Ky Ladoo by Chef Saadat Siddiqui

May 12, 2014
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Qeema kachori


  • Mince 250 gm
  • flour 250 gm
  • coriander 1 tbsp
  • green chilli 1 tbsp
  • crushed red chilli 1 tsp
  • crushed whole coriander 1 tsp
  • crushed cumin 1 tsp
  • salt to taste


  1. Boil the mince and let the water evapourate, Next add in green chillies, coriander, curshed chillies, crushed cumin , crushed whole coriander , salt and mix well
  2. In flour add room temp water and knead to form a dough, next make dough balls.
  3. Now flatten the dough balls and coat with the ghee and flour paste then fold.
  4. Then fill in the mince and make katchoris
  5. Fry in hot oil till they are golden brown.

Moti choor kay ladoo


  • gram flour 1/2 kg
  • ghee 1 kg
  • sugar 1 kg
  • cardamom 7 pcs
  • charmagaz 100 gm
  • zarda colour as required


  1. Add water in gram flour and make a thick paste
  2. with the help of a big sieve add this mixture in hot oil, drop by drop.
  3. Once it is fried ,add zarda colour, cardamom in sugar syrup cook till it double boils.
  4. Close the flame and keep it on dam
  5. In the end add in charmagaz and make ladoos
  6. moti choor ladoos are ready.

Recipe of Keema Kachori And Moti Choor Ky Ladoo by Chef Saadat Siddiqui in Lifestyle Kitchen With Chef Saadat on Ary Zindagi

Tags: Afzal Nizami
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