Hot Peach Pie by Rida Aftab

Jul 01, 2014
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  • Puff pastry 1/2 kg
  • Peaches 2
  • Beaten egg 1/2
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Butter 50 gm
  • Lemon juice 1 tbsp
  • Cinnamon powder 1/2 tsp
  • Honey 2 tbsp
  • Light brown sugar 2 tbsp


  1. Cut peaches and put in bowl.
  2. Now put honey, salt, lemon juice and light brown sugar and mix it nicely.
  3. Then put in frying pan and cook on low flame until peaces are soft and syrup is thick.
  4. Now add butter and cinnamon powder and close stove.
  5. Now roll puff pastry into squares and cut into 4 pieces.
  6. Then put peach mixture on each piece and wrap it.
  7. Now brush with beaten egg and bake in oven on 180 degrees C for 15 minutes.
  8. Hot peach pie is ready.

Recipe of Hot Peach Pie by Rida Aftab in Tarka on Masala TV

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