Lachay Daar Parathay by Chef Saadat Siddiqui

Jul 29, 2014
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Chota Lachedar Paratha


  • flour 1 kg
  • ghee 1/2cup
  • sugar 2 tbsp
  • salt 1 tsp
  • egg 1 
  • milk 1/2 cup


  1. Add ghee, sugar, an egg, milk in flour and knead.
  2. After an hour make little dough balls and keep them aside for half an hour
  3. Slightly flatten it with a rolling pin after 15 minutes make a roll and then leave it for half an hour again
  4. Flatten the ball with a rolling pin again and fry in hot ghee on a tava.
  5. Once ready serve while hot.

Recipe of Lachay Daar Parathay by Chef Saadat Siddiqui in Lifestyle Kitchen With Chef Saadat on Ary Zindagi

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