Thadal by Chef Gulzar

Sep 21, 2014
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Views: 1680


  • Milk 250 gm
  • Almonds 1/2 cup
  • Melon seeds 4 tbsp
  • Cardamom powder 1 tsp
  • Poppy seeds 1 tsp
  • Whole black pepper 3-4
  • Sugar as required
  • Ice cubes as required


  1. Put poppy seeds, almonds, cardamom powder, melon seeds, milk, whole black pepper and sugar in blender and blend it.
  2. Now take it out in muslin cloth and put water.
  3. Then dip in water, wring it and repeat this steps many times.
  4. In end, take out in serving glass, add ice cubes and thadal and serve.

Recipe of Thadal by Chef Gulzar in Live@9 on Masala TV

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