Fruit Basket by Zarnak Sidhwa

Sep 27, 2014
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For Basket:

  • Melon 1 big
  • Watermelon 1 medium
  • Mangoes 3 big
  • Ice cream 1 small scoop

For Topping:

  • Melon left over
  • Watermelon left over
  • Mangoes left over
  • Sugar 2 tbsp
  • Cream 1 packet (200 gram)
  • Pineapple essence few drops


  1. First cut watermelon in basket shape and take out all pulp and make that empty and keep it aside.
  2. Deseed watermelon and cut into balls shape with help of small scoop and keep it in separate bowl.
  3. Now peel off mangoes and melon by using same procedure cut both fruits into balls shape them separately.
  4. Next, blend watermelon (deseeded) with any red syrup, sugar and drop of pineapple essence.
  5. Blend mango with little water and sugar.
  6. Blend both items separately and put in refrigerator.
  7. Beat cream with sugar till fluffy.
  8. Finally mix all three fruits balls and put it in watermelon basket.
  9. Serve chillies with all topping and cream in separate bowls.

Recipe of Fruit Basket by Zarnak Sidhwa in Food Diaries on Masala TV

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