Pallay Pakorian, Kulfa Gosht And Dhaka Chicken by Shireen Anwer

Oct 14, 2014
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Recipe of Pallay Pakorian, Kulfa Gosht And Dhaka Chicken by Shireen Anwer in Masala Mornings on Masala TV

Tags: Pakorian, Gosht
Comments (3)
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  • Thank you so much mavenbrainbox , I have an other question I don't remember chef it was shireen anwar or chef gulzar one of then made rice I can't find the reciepe but I remember ingridance soya parsle rose merry and few other things , can some one tell me the reciepe name plzzzz

    By: Saarung on Oct 21, 2014
  • Dear Saarung...Kulfa Saag is another saag like Sarson...You will find it where the Sarson (mustard) saag is available.

    By: mavenbrainbox on Oct 16, 2014
  • Kulaks saag ko English main kiya karty hain?

    By: Saarung on Oct 15, 2014