Gulab Jamun And Cham Cham by Chef Saadat Siddiqui

Nov 10, 2014
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Gulab Jaman


  •  Milk solids 1 kg
  • egg 1 
  • semolina 1 tbsp
  • soda 3 pinch
  • flour 120 gm
  • sugar 2 kg
  • ghee for frying 
  • pistachio for garnish


  1. mix the khoya well so that its seeds finish.Then add in an egg  , soaked semolina , soda and mix
  2. Add in ghee and a little water to soften.
  3. Now add in flour and prepare the dough. Make small balls out of the dough.
  4. Fry the balls in hot ghee. When the colour of the balls changes to golden brown dip them in hot sugar syrup
  5. Garnish with pistachios and serve in a plater.

Cham cham


  • Sugar 1 kg
  • milk 2 kg
  • cardamom 10 pcs
  • reetha 7-8 pcs 
  • semolina 1 tsp
  • corn flour 2 tsp
  • tatri 2 tsp
  • flour 1-1/2 tsp
  • pink colour 1-2 pinch 
  • green colour 1-2 pinch


  1. In a pan boil milk.  In a separate bowl add tatri and water mix well and then add this mixture into the milk and stir slowly. When the milk curdles add a little bit of water.
  2. Make a sugar syrup by adding water and sugar in a pan.
  3. Wet the malmal cloth and sieve the milk and slowly squeeze the cheese.
  4. Break the reetha and cook its peal in water.
  5. Mix the cheese in your hand and add flour, corn flour,cardamom and semolina and mix well.
  6. Mix pink and green food colouring and also leave some white
  7. Add the reetha water into the sugar syrup, add in the cheese and cook
  8. In the end add in water and stir slowly
  9. Take the sheera and cham cham our in a serving dish , garnish with pistachios.

Recipe of Gulab Jamun And Cham Cham by Chef Saadat Siddiqui in Lifestyle Kitchen With Chef Saadat on Ary Zindagi

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