Cheese Puffs by Zarnak Sidhwa

Nov 18, 2014
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  • Cheese spread 3 cups
  • Flour 3/4 cup
  • Salt a pinch
  • Butter 75 gm
  • Egg 3
  • Crushed red chillies 2 tsp
  • Dried mixed herbs 2 tbsp
  • Crushed black peppercorns 10-12


  1. Sift flour with salt.
  2. Place butter and one cup water in pan and stir over low heat until butter melts.
  3. Add flour and stir over medium heat until mixture forms a ball and leaves sides of pan.
  4. Place mixture in bowl and cool slightly.
  5. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until mixture is smooth and shiny.
  6. Spoon mixture into pastry bag fitted with plain nozzle.
  7. Pipe small mounds onto baking tray.
  8. Bake in preheated oven for 20-25 minutes or until puffed and browned.
  9. Prick shells wit toothpick to allow steam to escape.
  10. Bake for 2 more minutes. Set aside to cool.
  11. Combine cheese spread, red chilli flakes, mixed dried herbs and crushed black peppercorns and mix well.
  12. Fill small pastry bag with plain nozzle with this filling.
  13. Make small hole in bottom of puffs and pipe in cheese mixture and serve.

Recipe of Cheese Puffs by Zarnak Sidhwa in Food Diaries on Masala TV

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