Chocolate Brownies And Coffee Cake by Chef Saadat Siddiqui

Jan 03, 2015
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Chocolate Brownies


  • Butter
  • cocoa powder
  • sugar
  • eggs
  • vanilla essence
  • flour
  • chocolate
  • cream


  1. Melt butter add cocoa powder, sugar and mix well.
  2. Now add in eggs one at a time along with vanilla essence and mix.
  3. Next add in flour and chocolate and fold
  4. Make a batter and do not let it be as thin as the butter
  5. Pour the batter in a square pan, bake in the oven
  6. Once its ready take it out and cut in squares
  7. Mix melted chocolate with cream and spread on top of the brownies
  8. Chocolate brownies are ready.

Coffee cake:


  • khoya
  • sugar
  • butter
  • eggs
  • flour
  • baking powder
  • oil
for the toping:
  • butter
  • coffee
  • icing sugar 
  • condensed milk
  • corn flour


  1. Mix khoya,sugar and butter then add in eggs one at a time
  2. Next add in flour and baking powder and mix 
  3. In the end add in oil
  4. Bake in the oven at 170 degree centigrade for  half an hour.
For the topping:
  1. Mix butter and icing sugar then add in condensed milk
  2. In the end add in coffee and corn flour and mix till soft
  3. Now cut the cake in half and spread a little bit of cream, make a design with the topping
  4. coffee cake is ready

Recipe of Chocolate Brownies And Coffee Cake by Chef Saadat Siddiqui in Lifestyle Kitchen With Chef Saadat on Ary Zindagi

Tags: Chef Mehdi
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