Jelly Custard by Shireen Anwer

Jan 07, 2015
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  • Jelly red 1 packet
  • Jelly green 1 packet
  • Milk 2 cups
  • Canderel 2 tbsp
  • Vanilla custard powder 2 tbsp
  • Cream 1/2 cup


  1. Put red jelly and green jelly in 1 cup water each, dissolve it and set it.
  2. Now make custard with canderel, milk and custard powder.
  3. When thick, take it out.
  4. Then cook it and mix with cream.
  5. In end, cut jelly into cubes, chill it and serve.

Recipe of Jelly Custard by Shireen Anwer in Masala Mornings on Masala TV

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