Roasted Beef Sandwich by Chef Gulzar

Jan 27, 2015
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Views: 2645


  • Bread 8-10 slices
  • Roasted beef as required
  • Red sauce as required
  • Lettuce leaves 2-3
  • Eggs 3-4
  • Cucumber 2-3
  • Tomatoes 1-2


  1. Shred roasted beef.
  2. Now make omelet of eggs.
  3. Then cut cucumber, lettuce leaves and tomatoes into slices.
  4. Toast bread slices lightly.
  5. Then spread sauce on bread.
  6. Then put shredded beef.
  7. Keep omelet, tomato and cucumber.
  8. Keep bread slice and cut into triangular shape.
  9. In end, keep on serving platter and serve with lettuce leaves.

Recipe of Roasted Beef Sandwich by Chef Gulzar in Live@9 on Masala TV

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