Anday Walay Biscuits by Shireen Anwer

May 14, 2015
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  • Butter - 2 oz
  • Caster Sugar - 2 oz
  • Yellow Colour - 1 pinch
  • Egg - 1
  • Lemon Essence - 3 drops
  • Flour - 3 oz


  1. Beat butter and caster sugar till it gets creamy.
  2. Now add yellow colour and beat.
  3. Add egg and lemon essence and beat more.
  4. Add strained flour and fold.
  5. If batter turns thin, then add 1 more tsp of flour.
  6. Pour the mixture in a piping bag and without using a nasal make cookies in a flour spread tray. ( Tray shouldn't be greased).
  7. Bake the biscuits for 15 to 20 minutes at 120c till they turn crisp. 

Anday Walay Biscuits is prepared with Butter, Flour and Egg.

Tags: Anday
Comments (2)
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  • Ease I need the recipe of this biscuit can any body share .

    By: Cam blaze on Jul 04, 2015
  • OMG... I have been looking for a recipe for these cookies for a LONG time. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    By: babes on May 14, 2015