Thai Chicken Biryani By Shireen Anwer

May 28, 2015
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  1. Yogurt 1 cup
  2. Coriander Powder 1tsp
  3. All Spice 1tsp
  4. Boiled Rice 1/2 kg
  5. Salt 2tbsp
  6. Corander Leaves 1/2 cup
  7. Green Chilies (chopped)
  8. Coconut Milk 1/2 cup
  9. Oil 1/4 cup

  •     First fry one cup onion in oil till its color changes to goldan.
  •     Then use one tea spoon ginger and garlic and put 4 tea spoon thai green paste, 1 tea spoon Coriander, 2 tea spoon salt and use little water and fry them. After cook for 10 minutes and cover it with cap.
  •     Then put chicken and after yougurt and cook them for more 10 minutes till chicken get soft.
  •     Put Coriander 1/2 cup, 4 spoon green masala, 1/2 coconut milk.
  •     After 1/2 kg bolied rice, 1/4 cup cooking oil and cook it in slow fire for 20 minutes.

Thai Chicken Biryani By Shireen Anwer in Masala Morning.

Tags: Biryani
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