Angara Karahi By Shireen Anwer

Jun 02, 2015
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  1. Chicken(16 pieces)
  2. Oil 3/4 cup
  3. Tomatoes (sliced) 5
  4. Green Chilies(chopped) 5
  5. Ginger 2tbsp
  6. Coriander Leaves (chopped) 1/2 bunch
  7. Onion (chopped) 1 cup
  8. Ginger Garlic 1 tbsp
  9. Yogurt 1/2 cup
  10. Coriander (crushed) 1 tbsp
  11. Cumin(crushed) 1 tbsp
  12. Salt 1 tsp
  13. Button Red Chilies 10
  14. Black Pepper Whole 1 tsp
  15. Oil 1/2 cup


  • First cook Button Red Chilies 10, Cumin(crushed) 1 tbsp, Coriander (crushed) 1 tbsp, Black Pepper Whole 1 tsp and chopped little as they get cold.
  • Now in warm oil 3/4 cook chicken for 10 minutes and take it out. Now in same oil fry onion till its color gets golden
  • Now put Tomatoes (sliced) 5, Ginger Garlic 1 tbsp, Yogurt 1/2 cup,  Salt 1 tsp and Green Chilies(chopped). Now put chicken that you already cooked with yogurt and cook it for 15 minutes.
  • Now put some chillies, Coriander (crushed) 1 tbsp, and ginger and put coal in it for 5 minutes then serve it.

Angara Karahi By Shireen Anwer In Masala Morning

Tags: Karahi
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