Karachi Halwa by Saadat Siddiqi

Jun 11, 2015
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  • Sugar 1 kg
  • Oil 1 cup
  • Water 750 ml
  • Pumpkin seeds 100 gm
  • Lemon salt 1/2 tsp
  • Cream of lemon salt 1/2 tsp
  • Cardamom powder 1/2 tsp
  • Tandoori color to taste
  • Pistachio, Almond for garnish


  1. For syrup: Mix sugar and water in bowl.
  2. Mix corn flour in water, blend with syrup and mix it continuously.
  3. Then put oil after few minutes, close stove and cook more.
  4. Also add lemon salt and tandoori color and stir it.
  5. Then put pumpkin seeds, cardamom powder and cream of lemon salt and cook until halwa leaves oil.
  6. Then garnish with almonds and pistachio and serve.

Recipe of Karachi Halwa By Chef Saadat Siddiqi in Lifestyle Kitchen on ARY Zindagi

Tags: Halwa
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