Fruit Jelly Cups by Zubaida Tariq

Jun 18, 2015
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  • Fruit cocktail 1 tin
  • Strawberry jelly 1 packet
  • Walnuts peeled 1/2 cup
  • Fresh cream 1 packet
  • Vanilla custard 2 tbsp
  • Fresh milk 1/2 liter
  • Sugar as required


  1. Dissolve strawberry jelly in hot water.
  2. Now put milk and sugar in pot and cook it lightly.
  3. Then dissolve vanilla custard in some milk, add in milk, thick it and cool it.
  4. Then make small small cubes of jelly.
  5. Now put some custard, them some fruit, now some custard, jelly cube, walnuts and some fresh cream in bowl and decorate it.
  6. Decorate remaining cups like this, cool it and serve it.

Recipe of Fruit Jelly Cups by Zubaida Tariq in Handi on Masala TV

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