Thick & Chunky Salsa by Chef Irfan Wasti

Jul 02, 2015
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  • Oil 2 tbsp
  • Tomato chopped 1 cup
  • Chili garlic sauce 1 cup
  • Crush garlic 1 tbsp
  • Onion finely sliced 1 tbsp
  • Chop green chilies 4 tbsp
  • Chopped jalapeno 4 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Vinegar 2 tbsp
  • Black pepper 1/2 tsp


  1. Heat oil in fry pan.
  2. Now put onion and garlic and roast it.
  3. Then add tomato, green chilies, jalapeno, salt, vinegar and black pepper and cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Then add chili garlic sauce and mix it.
  5. Salsa is ready.
  1. In fry pen put oil and make it little hot. Now put onoin and garlic. Then put tomato, green chili, Chopped jalapeno, salt, vinger and black pepper and cook for more 2 minutes.
  2. At the end put garlic sauce

Recipe of Thick & Chunky Salsa by Chef Irfan Wasti in Ramazan Kay Chatkharay on Masala TV

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