Custard Mousse by Shireen Anwer

Jul 06, 2015
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For Custard:

  • Milk 2 cups
  • Sugar 4 tbsp
  • Vanilla custard powder 2 tbsp
  • Chocolate sauce 1/2 cup
  • Walnut chopped 1/2 cup
  • Bananas sliced 3
  • Fruit cocktail 1 small tin
  • Biscuits 100 gm


  1. Put sugar, vanilla custard and 1 cup cold milk in 1 cup hot milk and cook until thick and creamy.
  2. Now keep biscuits in serving dish and put fruit cocktail syrup.
  3. Then put custard and chocolate sauce, garnish with walnuts, fruit cocktail, bananas slice and chocolate syrup and serve.

Recipe of Custard Mousse by Shireen Anwer in Masala Mornings on Masala TV

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