Vegetable Kabab by Rida Aftab

Jul 09, 2015
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  • Finely chopped carrot 1
  • Finely chopped capsicum 1
  • Finely chopped onion 1
  • Bengal gram split 1 cup
  • Red chilies 2 tbsp
  • White cumin seeds 1 tbsp
  • Garam masala 1 tsp
  • Tamarind pulp 2 tbsp
  • Green chilies as required
  • Coriander leaves as required
  • Knorr chicken soup stocks 1 packet
  • Bread slices 2
  • Plain flour, Egg, White sesame as required


  1. Put white cumin, red chilies and garam masala in Bengal gram and cook until tender.
  2. Then grind it.
  3. Also add carrot, capsicum, onion and green chilies and grind it.
  4. Then put stock and bread slices and mix it nicely.
  5. Then put tamarind pulp and some coriander leaves, mix it and give shape of shami kabab.
  6. Now roll in plain flour and dip in eggs.
  7. Then sprinkle sesame seeds and fry it lightly.
  8. Vegetable kabab is ready.

Recipe of Vegetable Kabab by Rida Aftab in Tarka on Masala TV

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