Potato Wedges by Rauf Abbasi

Aug 24, 2015
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  • Potatoes 3-4
  • Flour 1/2 cup
  • Red chili flakes 1 tsp
  • Chaat masala 1/2 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil for deep fry
  • Water 3-4 cup


  1. Wash potatoes, dry with kitchen towel, cut slices and cut each slices into lengthwise slices.
  2. Then boil in water.
  3. Then mix flour, red chili flakes, chaat masala and salt in bowl, take put potatoes from bowl and coat with maida mixture.
  4. Heat oil in pan, put potatoes and deep fry it.
  5. Then potatoes are nicely tender, dry with tissue paper and serve hot.

Potato Wedges is a Sideline Dish. It is prepared with Potatoes & Red Chilies, coated with Maida and deep fried in Oil. It is usually served with Steak.

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