Chocolate Gelato by Zarnak Sidhwa

Aug 28, 2015
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  • Milk 4 cups
  • Corn flour 1-1/2 tbsp
  • Light corn syrup 1/2 cup
  • Sugar 1/3 cup
  • Salt 1/4 tsp
  • Chocolate 8 oz
  • Vanilla essence 1 tsp


  1. Place 2 tbsp milk in small bowl.
  2. Whisk in corn flour and set aside.
  3. In pot, add remaining milk and bring to boil.
  4. Whisk in corn flour and milk, corn syrup, sugar and salt.
  5. Return mixture to boil, whisk in chocolate until completely smooth.
  6. Transfer into bowl and let cool to room temperature.
  7. Once cooled, stir in vanilla essence.
  8. Cover and refrigerate overnight to make sure it is completely chilled.
  9. Remove and whisk very well.
  10. Gelato should be consistency of soft-serve ice cream.
  11. You don't need to churn it as long as you do ice cream, you want it to just be custard sort of consistency, not completely frozen.
  12. Store in chilled container in freezer, with plastic wrap pressed onto top.
  13. After gelato has been in freezer for day, take it out about 10 minutes before ready to serve to let it soften up.

Chocolate Gelato is an Italian Ice Cream, prepared with Milk & Chocolate.

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