Makai Gosht by Shireen Anwer

Sep 03, 2015
Views: 2435
- Mutton boiled 1/2 kg
- Onion chopped 2
- Oil 1/2 cup
- Black peppercorns 1 tsp
- Red red chilies 6
- Coriander leaves 2 tbsp
- Turmeric 1/2 tsp
- Coconut milk 1/2 cup
- Curry leaves 15
- Mustard seeds 1 tsp
- Sweet corn 1 cup
- Ginger garlic 1 tbsp
- Heat 1/4 cup oil, fry 1 chopped onion with red chilies and black peppercorns and take it out.
- Now grind mixture with coconut milk and turmeric.
- Put 1/4 cup oil in second pan and put ginger garlic, curry leaves and boiled mutton.
- Then fry it nicely, add grinded mixture and cover for 15 minutes.
- Now heat 2 tbsp oil, put mustard seeds and onion and fry until brown.
- Then put curry with corn, mix it and serve.
Makai Gosht is Delicious Main Course Dish, prepared with Corn, Mutton & Coconut Milk and served with Rice.