Coconut Ice Cream by Zarnak Sidhwa

Sep 05, 2015
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  • Coconut milk 3 cups
  • Gelatin powder 2 tsp
  • Corn flour 2 tbsp
  • Condensed milk 1-3/4 cup
  • Salt 1 pinch


  1. Mix coconut milk and condensed milk together in saucepan.
  2. In small bowl, blend corn flour with little of milk mixture until you get smooth paste, then stir through rest of milk and add gelatin and salt.
  3. Put pan over medium heat, bring to gentle boil, whisk regularly until corn flour and gelatin is fully dissolved.
  4. Remove from heat and place over an ice bath while giving it good whisk to speed up cooling down process.
  5. Once mixture has cooled, pour mixture into an airtight box and freeze till half set.
  6. Remove and beat and freeze again.
  7. Repeat this process 3-5 times or until it is frozen throughout and has creamy consistency without any ice crystals.

Coconut Ice Cream has a Rice Coconut Flavor and it is Coconut Lovers Ice Cream. It is prepared with few ingredients such as Coconut Milk and Condensed Milk and served in Coconut.

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