Schezwan Chicken Pasta by Rida Aftab
Oct 22, 2015
Views: 2471
- Chicken 1/2 kg
- Boiled macaroni 1 packet
- Capsicum 1
- Onion 2
- Green onion 2
- Fresh red chilies 2
- Sesame seed oil 1 tbsp
- Garlic 1 tbsp
- Salt 1/2 tsp
- Black pepper 1/2 tsp
For Chili Sauce:
- Stock 1 cup
- Brown sugar 1 tsp
- Chili sauce 1 tbsp
- Corn flour 1 tbsp
- Soya sauce 2 tbsp
- Oil 2 tbsp
- Heat sesame seed oil and cook chicken on high flame.
- Now put garlic, black pepper and salt and cover it.
- For chili sauce: Put all ingredients in bowl and mix it.
- Then add macaroni, onion, capsicum and green onion in chicken, simmer it for 5 minutes and close stove.
- Then put chili sauce and sesame seeds oil and close stove.
Schezwan Chicken Pasta is delicious paste. The flavor of sauce is rich. Must try this dish at home.