Jelly Slices by Shireen Anwar

Oct 24, 2015
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  • Condensed milk 1 tin
  • Butter 4 oz
  • Crushed biscuits 400 gm
  • Strawberry jelly 1 packet
  • Gelatin 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice 2 tbsp
  • Whipped cream 1-1/2 cup
  • Chopped almonds 2 tbsp
  • China grass powder 1 tbsp


  1. For 1st layer: Mix biscuits with melted butter and spread on base of rectangular dish.
  2. Now cool it for 30 minutes.
  3. For 2nd layer: Dissolve gelatin in water.
  4. Now mix with condensed milk and lemon juice.
  5. Now put this mixture on biscuit base and set it.
  6. For 3rd layer: Dissolve strawberry jelly and grass water in 1 cup water and cook it.
  7. Then cook it, make layer on dish and set it.
  8. When it is set, cut into pieces and decorate with whipped cream.
  9. Then sprinkle chopped almonds and serve.

Jelly Slices is yummy & delicious sweet dessert. It is an Australian dessert. It has three layers. Make it at home and surprise your family.

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