Jelly Slices by Shireen Anwar

Oct 24, 2015
Views: 5133
- Condensed milk 1 tin
- Butter 4 oz
- Crushed biscuits 400 gm
- Strawberry jelly 1 packet
- Gelatin 1 tbsp
- Lemon juice 2 tbsp
- Whipped cream 1-1/2 cup
- Chopped almonds 2 tbsp
- China grass powder 1 tbsp
- For 1st layer: Mix biscuits with melted butter and spread on base of rectangular dish.
- Now cool it for 30 minutes.
- For 2nd layer: Dissolve gelatin in water.
- Now mix with condensed milk and lemon juice.
- Now put this mixture on biscuit base and set it.
- For 3rd layer: Dissolve strawberry jelly and grass water in 1 cup water and cook it.
- Then cook it, make layer on dish and set it.
- When it is set, cut into pieces and decorate with whipped cream.
- Then sprinkle chopped almonds and serve.
Jelly Slices is yummy & delicious sweet dessert. It is an Australian dessert. It has three layers. Make it at home and surprise your family.