Sheermal by Shireen Anwer

Nov 01, 2015
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  • Flour 2 cups
  • Salt 1/2 tsp
  • Caster sugar 1 tbsp
  • Khoya 1/2 cup
  • Yeast 1 tbsp
  • Kewra 1 tsp
  • Ghee 3 tbsp
  • Cream 2 tbsp
  • Egg
  • Lukewarm milk to knead
  • Sesame seeds as required


  1. Put flour, salt, caster sugar, khoya, yeast, kewra, ghee, cream and egg in mixer and mix it nicely until it comes to bread crumbs.
  2. Now knead with milk, make soft dough and leave for 1 hour until it size is double.
  3. Now punch with hands, divide into 3 balls and spread in plate size with hands.
  4. Now keep on foil lined tray, prick center with fork and leave for 45 minutes.
  5. Then brush sheermal with milk and sprinkle sesame seeds.
  6. Now bake on 200 degrees C for 15 minutes.
  7. Take out sheermal, brush with milk immediately and cover with foil.
  8. Use when needed.

Sheermal is baked dish. It is commonly eaten in Pakistan. It is served with BBQ & gravy dish and served in wedding parties.

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